In Asperger's Disorder, affected individuals are characterized by social isolation and eccentric behavior... There are impairments in two-sided social interaction and non-verbal communication. Though grammatical, their speech may sound peculiar due to abnormalities of inflection and a repetitive pattern. Clumsiness may be prominent both in their articulation and gross motor behavior. They usually have a circumscribed area of interest which usually leaves no space for more age appropriate, common interests.

 1969, January

Doris Maud.  Doris Maud.   Doris couldn't stop saying her name over and over in her head.   Her baby.   Doris was Mother.   In all her life, she couldn't think of anything she had wanted more. 

Order.   Maudie sat in her baby seat as Doris arranged her spices in the spice rack.   If she kept them alphabetically, it made cooking so much easier.  Everything had its place, the cardamom to the left of the cumin, not the other way around.  Doris had to have order in her world.  

Maudie had been exactly the baby Doris had envisioned.   Her baby.   Maudie never cried, not ever.   She would take her bottle and her food at the chiming of the grandfather clock in the hallway; Doris carefully mashing her peas and squash.   From the first night, Maudie slept all night, and went to bed without a peep.  Doris could take her to they orchestra shows over at VPI and no matter the sidewards glances that were thrown her direction,  she knew Maud would behave.    Doris never noticed that Maudie wouldn't return her gaze the way her neighbor Barbra's baby Jennifer did.   It wasn't important, anyway.  Doris had the order that she had to have.

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